Commitment to Food Safety and Quality

Commitment to Food Safety and Quality
Because we know it is people's health and wellbeing that is at stake, our rule is: "don’t play with food safety" This commitment is backed by our strict procedures and controls in all stages of production, certified by rigorous standards of overall quality to which we have adhered since the beginning.


Since 2001 GLOBALG.A.P. Certification (known at the time as "Eurepgap") that was achieved with the group mode "PMO Copefrut". Globally recognized norms of Good Agricultural Practice give us the peace of mind that our fruit as well as meeting high levels of food safety and quality, has been sustainably produced, respecting the health, safety and wellbeing of the workers, as well as caring for the environment.
Today we have the biggest GLOBALG.A.P group certification in America, which includes 169 orchards totaling 3,350 hectares.
Furthermore, if we include the orchards to which we have provided independent training, we can be sure that 98.9% of the volume exported by Copefrut complies with this norm.

Since 2001 HACCP Processing Plants

Since 2004 BRC (British Retail Consortium) certification Global standards for the safety of agro food products, with which to date, 100% of our processing plants are certified every year.

In response to a client’s request, in 2009 we certified kiwi growers with the Rainforest Alliance.

From 2010 to the present Albert Heijn Certification

Since 2017 FSMA Requirements, United States food safety law which for Copefrut applies in two stages: in the orchards (PRODUCE SAFETY ALLIANCE) and in the Processing Plants (FSPCA).

Other partnerships for safe production