Copefrut Academy

Copefrut Academy is a group of corporate training programs with a focus aligned with our organization's strategy. All those who work with or for the company can be found in its classrooms, giving rise to integration, and through this the sharing of learning experiences and the enrichment of knowledge for all involved.
It is a great opportunity that contributes to the personal and professional development of each collaborator, with the aim of improving performance and productivity, as well as contributing to their professional development and permeating the corporative values.

To undertake this novel initiative, strategic partnerships have been forged with leading Higher Education institutions such as the Adolfo Ibañez University (for our collaborators) and the School of Agriculture of the University of Chile (for our growers). The courses are taught in classroom-based and blended learning, generating new tools that allow students to carry out their professional work.
We also work with other course providers: Inacap, Acitec Ltda., Pesco Capacitaciones Ltda., Edutecno, Target DDI, Chilean North American Institue, Icare, NSF international y Deloitte Training Services Ltda, among others.