Some call it the “pretty girl” for its brilliant color, sweetness and the delicateness with which it remains on its pedicel; others call it “the super fruit” for its multiple health giving properties. For us it is undoubtedly one of our most carefully tended products, on which we lavish all types of attention.
Our cherries are harvested from the best orchards between the Metropolitan Region and Chile’s VIII Region.
We have the most modern cherry processing plant in the southern hemisphere, equipped with Cherry Vision 3.0 that allows the caliber, color, internal defects, external defects, ripeness and degrees brix to be detected.

10 benefits
of eating cherries
Cherries are known as “the super fruit” because they are full of antioxidants that help to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
One cup of cherries provides just 87 calories, making them a good choice for a healthy dessert or snack.
It is one of the few food sources that contains melatonin, which helps regulate heart rate and the body’s sleep cycles.
Excellent source of beta-carotene (vitamin A). In fact cherries contain 19 times more beta-carotene that blueberries and strawberries.
Rich in vitamins C, E, potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and fiber.
They are known as “brain food”, as they benefit brain activity and the prevention of memory loss.
Because cherries contain anthocyanins, they may help reduce inflammation and symptoms of arthritis and gout.
They reduce the risk of diabetes.
They are a good source of fiber, important for digestive health.
Due to their powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, cherries can act to reduce muscular pains.